Old Fashioned? Me? Yep!!!!
Having been outta the baby business for many a year, progress has left me behind finally. Little did I know about all the new advances they have made for babies in products to lure parents in. Some good, some not so good. When they are fussy, great toys, gadgets and even something called "Gripe" water, lmao. I thought Pixie was nuts when she told me about it. But then what do I know, I am only Gigi ! However, kudos to whomever told her about it and bless them, they even sent us a bottle. Ok so score one for the new stuff. Then looking around for a plate that suctions onto the high chair tray that you put hot water in to keep dinner warm, cant be found in stores. Bless the internet for that. So score one for the web and the old fashioned. Then there is the "magic mat", score one for the new. Then you got your bouncy seats, playpens (smaller versions), cribs and old fashioned stuff and on the other hand you have high chairs (old and new) including the one we have thanks to friends that strap onto your regular dining chairs. So score one for the new there. However, I won't bore you with the rest of my comparisons as you probably already know most of them. This weekend the Pixie got some new ideas from her sister in law. I thought most were awesome but couple of them made me realize I AM old fashioned. One is a bottle you put their cereal or food in and leave them to suck it out instead of feeding and not seeing that ooey gooey mess all over them and everything in sight, lol. When you talk to them and they goo goo back at ya, with that big ooey gooey smile that just makes your heart expand with love. She asked me didn't I think they were neat and I told her guess I am just old fashioned but ya, guess they are. So I let her be the new generation and do her thing but I will continue to be old fashioned and feed with a spoon. Hell ya, I am old fashioned and DAMN PROUD OF IT, but I loves ya my pixie!!